Tuesday 19 June, 2007

Move on!!

Yawn!!! One quiet boring Tuesday afternoon and just lazing in my cube. Perfect weather and mood for that. So many things on my mind. So many things I am contemplating with. But let it be. Time will soon pass and I will be free of it all.

What is it? I myself have no idea. Things have been different with me of late. Very different.

Cant help but think all the time. And think is what i do half the time and then I sink into a melancholic mood.
Life teaches you different lessons and all lessons are learnt the hard way. A path of thorns to reach the beautiful rose. But what if the rose just looks away as soon as you lift your blood soaked hands to touch it. Sad! But thats the way some lessons have to be learnt. The hard way! Work towards something and it doesnt materialize? So what? Move on!!
No matter what happens. Good or bad, we should learn to move on with life. Life is never easy. Many of us just give up and say life is so unfair. Ah!! Why is that? Something really atrocious happened? Failed a test? Broke up with someone? Lost your favourite pen? Got a parking ticket?
These things happen to every human being. IF it didnt then hats off to that guy/girl though i think he/she is lying. Many of us lead a life of so many ups and downs, a road of potholes called life. But still some of us move on. They are happy and thats what everyone wants to be at the end of the day. It is up to us to grasp what we can learn from experience and events. My advice and my motto -- Be happy in whatever you do because thats what matters!!!


Riski said...

Good start man..:)..the best thing I liked, is that you used good written English,cause invariably, we end up using sms english..cool man..welcome!!..hope to read more..:)..btw, the blog title is quite interesting.."Stochastic.."..

OZZZ said...

@Rishi - Thanks man :) All your teachings n blessings. Muhuhahahahaha!!!! :P

Anonymous said...

C'mon OZZMAM...u were the last person who i thought would write about life dude...and to come to think of it i have been ur roommate for 'bout a year now...u just did'nt seem like someone who would write on life n all man.... good start...well my motto is similar too.... "LIFE" IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN U HAVE OTHER PLANS!!!

Unknown said...

what what what a blog i say

OZZZ said...

@Tushar - Well, I just felt like writing what was in my head that time man. N thanks :)

@goti - adhangyu ;)